Timelapse Camera

Timelapse Camera... StarLapse

High definition time lapse videos

Share on your company social media

Share on your company website

Send it to your clients

What would you do with a high definition time lapse camera?

Starting from

£99/per week


What would you do with your timelapse video?

Put it on your website? Send it to your client? Use it at trade events? Share it on your social media? 

Not only do the completed videos show the entire project from start to finish, we can separate the footage to provide clips of key moments such as concrete pours and demolitions.

Timelapse videos are a fantastic marketing tool, your Marketing team and clients will certainly thank you! 

Example timelapse footage

Real projects we've completed for our clients

Want to find out more?

The Star team are here to answer any questions, or provide you with a no obligation quote.